May 2017: Fence building

In May we decided enough was enough regarding our regular deer diners so we decided to build a fence that would hopefully deter them from coming in and also give the garden a clear boundary – this was also important as a public footpath runs adjacent to our garden. We made a trip to our local farm supply shop and proceeded to buy a post hole digger, 6 foot treated fence posts, fence wire and tacks. We have the smallest 4 seater car in the world (Toyota IQ) so it was an interesting experience getting it all home – although I am also (probably) one of the smallest men in the world it was still a squash!

It took us a couple of weeks to get the fence erected but luckily my younger brothers were on hand for the final slog. I was really happy with the result, although I will eventually plant in to the bank/plant climbers up the fence to give us more privacy. Without a doubt it was a better option than a solid fence as we want to ‘borrow’ the lovely trees on the common to help make our garden feel more seamless and less boxed in. If it were up to me I wouldn’t have had the confidence to think we could just build a fence  (considering we had zilch experience) so I am grateful to my partner for convincing me we could!